Was in le Marais yesterday and was appreciating the simple fact that I could live in Paris for a few years and still be bouleversée (turned upside down) just walking down the street past Place des Vosges, for instance. Yes, it is an obvious thing to say, but not so obvious when the feeling is in your stomach.

Or past the magical bubbles in this little courtyard on the rue des Francs Bourgeois. (They are lights, I suppose, but I prefer to think of them as bubbles).

Same feeling walking past this collapsing building. Perhaps my photo doesn't do it justice, but let's just say I don't think a level would do much good when doing bricolage in these apartments - like in our apartment. We had to choose whether to align the furniture with the line of the ceiling, the walls or the floor. None of them are straight.

And when I came home, I played cache-cache (hide-and-seek) with a certain little someone, who delightfully counted to 23...dix-huit, vingt, vingt-trois.
We love NY,
But oh how we love Paris too.
Looks like fun, wish I could play with you both!1 love and miss you
I find myself walking through the Place des Vosges and wondering if I will ever feel blasé about being here. I guess the answer is no, if your experience is one to go by. The wonderfulness of it continues, I see. I hope NY makes you feel similarly.
The bubbles are lights left over from Nuit Blanche, when they lit up the lawn in front of Electra.
thanks thanks shelli for this link and the explanation...
it is true, paris never wears off! veritably "immuable" as the french would say.
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