Stephen (brother) in a tux. On route to an NYC wedding. He looks smashing. Particularly sitting amidst all of John's smashing wall hangings. And then smashing next to John as well. (John too, of course).

Just for a little retrospective - here he is as ringmaster in our family circus circa 1989. We were all such performers. There were only five of us at this point. 3 more to come. This video also features Marc whipping people when he really should not have been doing such a thing.
Stephen is devastatingly handsome! (In these pictures he looks a little bit like Ryan Seacrest!) I loved watching the old video and wish we could rewind the clock and relive some of those innocent days. Your blog continues to captivate me!
He does look smashing in a tux, and he's very convincing as a ringmaster as well. What a circus you all are.
Emilie, thank you for sharing. It's so fun to see the same heads on small bodies. I love your blog. Inspiring.
no marcy! not the humans!
I cannot get enough of the circus. I love it when (I think it is you) says "over here. We're supposed to be the center of attention" or something like that. I also love it when the trapeze girls look over when the act is done like everyone has been watching the whole time and there is this split second lag time before your parents start clapping. I don't know why but I was peeing in my pants laughing at that moment. I am going to go watch it again.
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