Today we went to the sea. Well, the Atlantic Ocean actually. I like how the French say they are going to "la mer" in any case. We went to Pornic, which is about 500 km from Paris. It was adventitiously balmy and the sun was beaming. We were warm. There were even people swimming. I really wished that I had brought my swimsuit to join in, but I settled for rolled up pants, bare feet, sweater off and enclave-of-rocks exploring galore.

Xavier's Mother, Paule, was along with us to soak in the warm, salty air and her son's beauty.

And, gladly, we had the blithe little Marguerite as well.

Ah Emilie, your post delight me!
Marguerite is SO adorable!
Oh my gosh, you were just north of us!! I'm in Noirmoutier now -- if only I had known! Would love to have seen you again! Just saw on Facebook that you're soon heading back to NYC... My how time flies and life changes before we realize it... I'm still so sorry I missed seeing you and all the gals in August for Aralena's baby shower... You look as gorgeous as ever, Emilie!
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