My beautiful friend Blaire's wedding. I felt really lucky because I was her witness. I took the role very seriously and observed all parts of the wedding with a careful watch. The first, the cocktail hour with gathered friends in a swanky Parisian apartment:


After that came the real work. The wedding ceremony itself, where I effectively sat next to Blaire and watched her and Mounir walk up to say "Oui." At the very end, I got to sign a paper. My role may not have been complicated, but it was pretty vital.
The wedding and everything surrounding it was a marvelous mixture of people. Mounir is from Morocco, but went to school in Rome and now lives in Paris and is a prolific artist (go there, to his site). Blaire is an American from California who spent most of her adult life in New York, but also lived in Barcelona, Amsterdam and now in Paris. You can imagine the trail of people they have gathered on their way and who appeared at the wedding. All in all, what a treat of an event.


Then came the night celebrations. If you come to Paris, or if you are here, you must go to this restaurant: Riad Nejma - a Moroccan place literally in the courtyard of the Centre Pompidou. I've walked past it a hundred times and assumed that it was a junky tourist place. Not so. It is Moroccan-delightful. Go upstairs.

Scrumptious people all around.

Given the look on Emma's face, Xavier is, without a doubt, in the middle of telling a dubious tale.

Hillary and I kissing the bride.

I don't know Blair, but she made a beautiful bride, and you Emilie did an excellent job as the witness. Congratulations Blair and husband!
You are a great witness, Em! I love how you witness the blessings in life for us. Love you!
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