November 23, 2009

Decidedly French.

Two things:

1. Xavier. Yes, he is decidedly French. So was what he said the other day. We were in a shop near Opéra looking at scarves and winter things. He tried on a red scarf, sauntered over the mirror, had one look at himself and pronounced:

"Ca fait un peu parti socialiste quoi. Pas possible."

(It's a bit socialist party, isn't it. Not possible).

I must be honest, I had never heard anyone utter something similar while appraising an article of clothing - nor had I ever connected a common red-colored scarf to the socialist party and then consequently deemed it unwearable. I broke out laughing.

2. Louise. (Niece). She is also very French. Marie and I went to go collect her from school and she was in a real huff when we got there. Her little 9-year old face was all red and she was out-of-breath exasperated. She burst out her complaints: while playing basketball the boys never pass to the girls at the school gym hour. She exclaimed huffing and puffing:

"Je cours partout et c'est nul. Je ne suis pas dans la catégorie des filles qui prennent le thé et parlent dans les groupes. Elles sont des décorations - les bougies sûr un gâteau quoi. Mais avec moi et ma copine, ce n'est pas la même chose ! Attention les garçons ! C'est Louis XVI et on va faire une révolte !"

(I run everywhere and nothing happens. I'm not in the category of girls who stand around in groups as if it were tea time. They're decorations - candles on a cake! But with me and my friend, it's not the same thing! Watch out boys! It is Louis XVI and we are going to have a revolution!)

Oh, how I love their references. And please do revolt, Louise. I'm rooting for you.


Cindy said...

You caught my eye with the reference to gym class. I'm always interested to observe gym in other cultures, and I'm especially interested to see if there are some universal issues. Boys not passing to girls is one of them...go Louise!

Andrew said...

It's absolutely brilliant! I wish I encounter people who utter such interesting use of words.

Rebekah V. said...

I can't stop laughing about your husband's aversion to socialist accessories. Also, tell Louise that there is an American lady who will fund her revolution if she needs it.

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