I flew far away for just the weekend (Friday, St Tropez--->Salt Lake City | Sunday, Salt Lake City--->St Tropez) to make Paul and Caitlyn's wedding. It was worth it - they are so lovely.

Four brothers.

Three sisters, a mother, a grandmother, two nieces. (My dad is always snapping pictures of everyone, but he's featured above).

Paul is a crack up. He bought a zip-up tie for his wedding.

The rest of the weekend included snowcones.

and babies.

And a shake shop in Ephraim, Utah, where Xavier found a family of cowboys and was overcome with delight.

There was also a jukebox that was tricky to figure out.

When it started playing, Marc and Joyce broke it down.

And not to diminish any of the other events/happenings/sitings of the weekend, but perhaps best of all was this. The Second Wife's House - just down the street from the jukebox. The current owner (whose marital arrangement wasn't entirely clear, nor was the setup or purpose of this shop/perpetual yard sale situation) explained that the first wife's house was located just next door and the third wife's house on the other side. There used to be polygamist raids at the beginning of the 20th century and, at that time, these three wives (and their husband, presumably) built an underground tunnel connecting the three homes (for hiding/escape). They also connected the tunnel to the town's bank vault, just next door to the first wife's house. Convenient and safe hiding place. I come from polygamist stock. Amazing. (Please note: polygamy has been grounds for excommunication in the Mormon church since 1890. Some folks carry on notwithstanding. But remember, Paul is only marrying one lady).
Great photos! And what a happy event :D
Had no idea Paul was getting married. Congratulations to the happy bride and groom. It looks like everyone had a great time!
Evidently both Bart Heyn and Sean Brown are tying the knot this month, too!
Congratulations on your new sister-in-law! Best wishes to them. And wonderful photos, as always - wee Joyce is too cute!! ^__^
j'agree gaminette - so mignone. would love to see you again soon...want to know you still exist :)
Were they married in Manti? My ancestors helped build that one.
This post made me laugh. Especially the last line. Interesting about the tunnels and stuff!
Paul and his bride look so happy!
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