Toward Nantes, from Baugé, 3 hours toward the Atlantic Ocean prevails L'île de Noirmoutier. We wanted an outing, a trek to the sea - to build a sandcastle or two and eat ice cream cones. We ate les meilleurs moules-frites this side of the Atlantic.

Marguerite was the choice model today in her Marine stripes. This is one adorable French child.

As we approached the beach, Jules saw all of these beach changing houses and said, "Oh regarde ! Tu as vu, il y a plein de toilettes sur la plage." (Oh look at all the bathrooms on the beach!)

Xavier spent the afternoon constructing a classic sand castle. He toiled and toiled, his dad pitched in and Marguerite cheered them on, danced about with pointed toes and decorated with seashells, feathers and sticks. He was quite dispirited when the tide came in and despite his efforts to build a wall of sand to protect his sweet chateau, the water crashed it down.

We had matching post-beach wear, without even planning it.