We went from wistful, Cape Cod stormy skies to the blinding blues, violets, pinks of southern France Mediterranean. (I will not speak of the 7 hour overnight voyage with Colette who would only sleep/stop crying if I stood up and swayed back and forth - everything from the moment we landed has made it worth it). Waiting for us at the airport was Xavier (lucky dog who came to France earlier than we did), Vincent - Xavier's dad and Miss Marguerite (whose presence completely delighted Colette). This area of France marked my heart after working in St. Tropez for a couple of summers - the light, the food, the sea, the colors. Xavier grew up coming to a family house here for his summer vacations - just a couple of towns away from St. Tropez - so he has a spot for the region in him as well. In fact, it is in that house we have spent our first days in France this round. A house full of cousins, stories, old remnants and new evidence of a grand French family.

Vincent, Xavier's cousin, Adrien, and Xavier totally absorbed in footage of Sebastian Loeb's (the most successful WRC "pilot," who is French) recent record-breaking car run up Pikes Peak.

1 comment:
I am your neighbor in NYC, and now it appears I am your neighbor in France, too! This is where we spend our summers...I wouldn't have it any other way!
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