August 30, 2009


Xavier gave me the most beautiful photo in large format. We know the photographer; her name is LouLou and she owns a Brocante (antique store - below) around the corner along the Canal St. Martin. She takes photos of the most delightful things and I walked into her store one day and found myself looking fiercely at this one of the mother and her two children on the beach. I loved the light and the shadows and the angelic baby in the middle. Their hands, their hair, the stones. Anyway, I showed Xavier her stuff on a walk one night and he was with me in seeing all of its splendor. So much so that he bought one. Ah, what a great gift.

Here it is.


Jill said...

Xavier, you're very thoughtful. What a great gift. The photo is very beautiful. I also like the idea of supporting the local artists.

morganne blair witchfield said...

This photo made me think of Sally Mann. Love the contrast in the photo.

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