Any gathering of the Johnson family is usually organized around a mountain/mountains. A lot of hiking. My dad is completely obsessed. We all like hiking to various degrees; in fact, most of us have really taken to it at this point, given how much it has been ingrained in us (and particularly since we have always had to make the tryouts to go on family vacations to various world-wide mountain destinations).

Today hiking means a really long line of people - and like most places our family trots in a line (an airplane aisle, another instance), we get comments on being such a pack. I remember getting on a plane when I was 12 years old with a trail of children behind and in front of me and my mom bringing up the rear - people's wide-eyes and open-mouths as they watched us trot. Now the line is hilarious. Big and small, still whiny sometimes, but mostly joking and hoopla-ing and singing made-up songs, we like the mountains. Think the von Trapps. Seriously.

Oh Xavier.

All the pictures are amazing, but the one or the little creature holding the flower! How did you capture that?
Looks like a fun, Johnson style.
Oh Jill - that little man, as Jonathan or Jeffrey might say, is a marmot. A baby one. We got really close because he was not at all scared of us. He loved us. Actually, he loved his flower way more.
omg why was i not born into your family?! why oh why!
oh but maria, you were! remember the big picture?
love this and miss you em
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