Xavier and I have spent a lot of the summer apart. Given both of our many voyages, we managed to see each other approx. 5 days in the month of August. Well, this week we were reunited. This has meant mainly one thing for me: laughter. Xavier makes me pee my pants cracking up.

I heard him calling from below telling me to come downstairs to watch a film last night. I came down to find Xavier in gear (gear = Chinese jet fighter pilot helmet). A certain well-known interlude was blaring. Jet engines and an 80's theme: TOP GUN. Xavier was standing in front of the projector and screen he has rigged up in our apartment and there he was, doing the same moves as the guys on the screen. Total earnestness. Top Gun. All I could do was laugh hard and take pictures of him.
Was he playing the good guy or the bad (non-specific) baddie?
Dude. Does he have a single brother? Cuz y'all always look like you have so much fun, and I've about had it up to here with all these unfunny Frenchies I've been going out with lately.
well, with the red-starred helmet, it must have been the bad guys. although he was identifying heavily with tom cruise.
no brother, unfortunately...but cousins...cousins...a plenty. let me know when you are around...
I could do cousins, lol. And I live in Paris now - maybe we could meet up for a coffee sometime? I've been reading your blog since moving here and I've always gotten a really good vibe from it!
cool cool. let's definitely get coffee. email me when is good for you. emilie.johnson@mac.com
I feel really put out that we weren't entertained in this way when we came to visit. I want to see this is person!
The oscar for best supporting co-pilot goes to M. Joly..."I feel the need, the need for speed".
next time jill. i promise.
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