Since we are biding our time a bit here in Baugé, the girls and I have taken the opportunity to do some probing around the village. We set off from the house one morning without a destination in mind and found ourselves at the village church dating to 1593, just down the rode. It was a blustery day in the Loire Valley and the girls were wearing scarves. We escaped the rain and stepped inside. Romy ran through the door and bounded down the aisles, inspecting the succession of chairs, humming her song. Colette became very still. She walked deliberately - seemingly pulled magnetically over to a Lamentation statue. I watched her take off her scarf and drape it dramatically over her head, mirroring Mary in front of her. She stood in front of the statue for ten minutes without speaking. I kept my distance, creeping to various angles to try to guess what she was up to or thinking. Leaving Colette to her musings, Romy and I inspected all corners of the church - completely empty (its habitual state, I suspect). At some point Colette pulled herself away from the statue and with tears in her eyes joined Romy and me. We sat near the choir of the church and talked for a while. Colette was sad. We devised a plan. She could write a post card to Jesus. On our walk home we passed the post office - it felt predestined. She was buoyed by the idea of a posting the card and imaging it fly high to heaven to bridge the divide.

I have to admit that I'm a bit in love with Colette
Understandably - me too! :)
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