March 30, 2016

Easter 2016.

It has become a spring tradition – Provincetown with Stephen and John and a bevy of favorite friends/family.

Colette was talking about it for weeks in advance: “Are we going to Provincetown today?” “Is it today?” until finally it was the day. We loaded into the car and, apart from some attempted whistling (round ‘o’ mouth and little wisps of air – her newest obsessive pursuit), she didn’t make a peep for 5 (!) hours. Muted by her anticipation of Cape Cod fun.

Little Romy, sitting next to her was not herself. She couldn’t get comfortable – was squirming and whimpering. She was hot and looked exhausted, but couldn’t fall asleep. Poor baby – by the time we arrived and attempted to get through one night with her, Xavier announced that he was taking her home. I agreed – he was right. Those two got on a tiny plane and flew back to Boston to take the train to NYC. We were worried about Romy, but also about little baby Lars (~2 months) possibly getting sick, who was part of the crew that weekend. It turned out Romy had pneumonia and she and Xavier spent a weekend bonding. So hard to see a little girl like that – not talking, still with sickness.

Colette and I stayed on and enjoyed the Easter festivities, which included egg dying (naturally), lots of luscious food, a walk in the Beech Forrest, a papier-mâché rabbit - named “Needy” by Colette, story-telling and song-singing, baby holding, yahtzee, beach rock hunting, fire gazing and soaking in a really beautiful place.

Lars is the dreamiest baby. Watchful and content.

Madame Colette and her 'doudous' (tucked in like scarves into her jacket) heading back from a beach hop.

A cardinal signaling the color to come. These birds have a special spot in my heart - they were my grandma's favorite.

Baby love.

Two fine looks.

I did a bit of egg research this year and fell upon a Ukrainian easter egg method using hot beeswax and a stylus tool called a "kystka." The dyes that came with the kit were vivid - including gorgeous onyx shade. The dyes took very quickly.

Colette whistling away.

Masks are a recurring theme here. Colette looking betwitching.

Fires and the beach.

1 comment:

Brad said...

It looks like you had wonderful Easter weekend in an especially beautiful place. We always love your posts.

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