Stephen gave me a very special Christmas present this year: bulbs. A backyard (cement New York slab of a backyard) full of bulbs. A hundred or more. Tulips, narcissus, fritillaria, crocus, hyacinth, all sorts. Out our kitchen window will be a popping sensation. Stephen is sort of the bulb expert. He instructed us with precision and the bulbs seemed happy in their spots. You'll see the results when spring lands. Soon!

What a fabulous Christmas present!!
Word of warning: Put some mothballs in there, too, or the squirrels will eat the bulbs!! I gave my daughter a bunch of tulip bulbs for her birthday, and the squirrels got nearly every one.
Good idea! We have already seen some squirrels out there and bought metal mesh to cover the bulbs! Naughty squirrels. I had no idea bulbs were a treat for them...
coolest gift ever. ever. happy holidays to you and your family!
coolest gift ever. ever. happy holidays to you and your family!
Squirrels LOVE bulbs. it's a break from acornsacornsacorns...
That Stephen...he sure knows how to give the perfect gift. I'm already looking forward to spring now.
That is amazing. Stephen is so generous! I'm with Jill - I can't wait for the spring photos.
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