7 months is such a funny age for such a creature. She is frustrated by what contains her - her own body. She wriggles and writhes and squirms, but can't quite crawl yet. Her "crawl" goes: down dog position --> flopping on her side in the direction she aims to go --> roll over --> repeat. She is the most blithesome, smiley cat until she is around people she doesn't know. She isn't shy though, just watchful and curious then - staring people down in the subway, arching her back to see the faces of the people sitting on the bench across from us (upside-down like a bat in the baby carrier). The only time she cares to snuggle is in the middle of the night. I will take it.

Kiss those sweet cheeks for me!
oI love her!
Her hair's getting lighter...
Amazing... Every day brings something new.
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