Driving along the coastal rode in Jamaica, where 8 year old boys drive motor bikes with no helmets and shack after shack painted in blazing reds/turquoise/green stirs with good people and kids in British looking school uniforms, we decided to pull over when passing a particularly resplendent beach near Negril. Bobby (featured above, holding Colette) came out to meet me at the car. I thought maybe he was going to say not to park here, or that we should move on, but no.
Bobby with the kindest eyed smile: "Hi Mon."
Me: "Hi, we saw your beach and thought we could pull over to take a look and maybe a swim."
Bobby without any hesitation and rare warmth - genuine and flowing: "Ya Mon! Ya, of course you should. Come on. Pull your car right here. Ya."
Car gets pulled over and parked, Bobby opens up the trunk to take out Colette and get us set up to enjoy the beach. We get there and he tells us about the great snorkeling just off the shore there and then feeds us breadfruit and fish. About his puppies - prancing about everywhere. Loves Colette. Smiles a luminous smile and says "one love" and we know he is truth-telling.

Very nice photos mon!
The world is magical, we just can't afford to luxury to forget it- we need to have the special eyes for noticing all the small and marvelous things which surround us.
Oh Em... Such beauty!
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