The Brooklyn Flea market this weekend was here in the Skylight One Hanson - a very large old bank. The best part was not what was being sold in this case, but where.

So many useless things being sold for such immoderate prices. We were not going to find deals here and my real fear was the we were going to find bedbugs (which are all the rage in NYC at the moment).

Despite my discomfort/fascination for bedbugs (which has, in the past, involved combing internet articles that report infestation rates in the city and disclose clothing stores in Manhattan where they have been reported to roost), I managed to get over it long enough to try clearly beautiful things on.

I bought this feather piece to make exquisite hairdos. No visible bedbugs.

Loved the ceiling.

The best part was the vault. The bank vault, with its colossal metal doors. Xavier inspected them for a long time and I just kept wondering if anyone had ever died in the vault. I don't know why, but I am pretty sure someone has.

La Poule loves flea markets.

If bedbugs also fascinate/petrify you, you should read Alan Good's account: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/bedbugs/ on McSweeny's Internet Tendency, suggestion sent to me by the lovely Alison. Thanks! Captivating...
I love flea markets, thankfully there are some little ones out here in PA that are fun to root through. I love finding treasures. What a neat building, great pics!
haha. "i don't know why. but i am pretty sure someone has." excellent. and i don't think you're wrong.
Great shots! I LOVE that red kangaroo. Haven't seen anything like it here in Australia :( Figures.
I hope you bought the fur coat and I want the red rabbit!
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