A sunny January Provence day means that when positioned just right, leaning against a nice rock on a hillside, even the crest of your ears gets heated. We were all running around these ruins without jackets, steeped in sun. The ruins are the Fort de Buoux, deep in the Luberon mountains. We were all alone up here, with a lot of history for company. Troglodyte houses - built into the stone, a medieval fort, early Christian tombs, 13th century church ruins and on and on. It is a special place - I had been before and regardless of the season there are very few others up there along the cliffs. The exposure is frightening (especially with two little ladies; one who is a real daredevil) and you walk away with a real appreciation for the extreme defense measures taken to sustain life in the middle ages. I love exploring places like this with Colette and Romy. Colette is just full of questions about every stone and its original purpose and placement. Romy is just running wild - can't wait to see around the next bend.

This breakneck staircase was built straight into the cliff. It was the only moment in the day when I questioned my judgement as a parent.