Going out is a negotiation with this one - friends zipped into her jacket usually pave the way.
Colette is obsessed with bandaids. Nightime ritual includes the bath, pajamas, stories and strategic placement of up to 3 bandaids on her body. She looks at us gravely and says, "I have a serious booboo".
Jammin is Colette's new friend. Along with Bindia. She checks their location on googlemaps whenever she can get her hands on my phone. "I am just checking where they are at, Mama" The other day she informed me that Bindia and Jammin used to be in my belly. Papa too at some point, apparently.
She is poetic and sweet and she gets it. She sat gazing up at my mom and brother Andrew as they unstrung the lights in rounds from the Christmas tree. She was quiet for a while. Then, "I am sad." I asked her why. "Because it is over."
Good Colette lines:
"Don't panic. I will come straight away"
"I'm a little worried about crocodiles and cows"
"Grandpa is my girl" (after spending a week with Grandpa and hearing him say that to her a lot)
"I will find an idea"
"Never never never never never never never" (Intense voice, wide venomous eyes - tapping on Romy's chest, very close up to her dear baby sister)
"I think I can smell her" (One night before I came home from work and Xavier said he though I was on my way)