Christmas in NYC was tropical enough for dancing in the backyard - even if a bit drizzly. We were all dancing because we had some of our favorite family from France in NYC for the holiday - Xavier's sister, Marie, and her family from Paris. "Jules! Louise! Fabien! Marie!", Colette and Romy cantillating up and down the stairs rejoicing. A week of reuniting.

Christmas Eve was too intense for little Colette. After a small fit, some good pouting and a retreat, we found her on the couch, curled up and sound asleep before the festivities even began (not her style). Romy Danda Day, on the other hand, made a stink about the mention of sleep - too thrilled about the lights and celebration.

Along with Julia and Marc as additional special guests, we had Torma (christened so by Colette) - as the newest member of the family presiding over dinner.

Xavier led the table in a hearty chorus of We Wish You a Merry Christmas (with thick French accent by some).

There is a special French tradition where a candle is lit on each person's pile of presents and Tino Rossi's Petit Papa Noël plays as the children sneak into the room. Recaptures Christmas for Xavier.

Queen Colette completely astonished by her gown. Finally - the appropriate accoutrement for such an empress.

And Romy lady - content to simulate firing nerf guns at Jules and her papa. Not very concerned about which ones were 'hers.'