It is hot in Paris. Hot. Sizzling sun, scorching sidewalks, roasting city. Yes, I love it. As a tribute to the heat, I have taken it upon myself to search out the best outdoor pool in Paris. Found it. (You see, the value of an outdoor pool in an urban space is inestimable. Scrunched people in hot spaces will kill for water outside - even if in getting wet, they get smashed by other bodies. If you don't live in urbania, my search might seem odd).
First, let's go through the contenders.

The famous pool that floats on the Seine. Its solarium-like covering is removable and on sunny summer days, this is an open pristine blue pool, surrounded by the murky waters of the Seine. Excellent. The pool is only 25 meters, so for lap swimming not ideal, but the very idea of the pool makes it worth going to. Plus, it is really in the city - it is in the 13th, just across from the Bibliothèque Mitterand. This one I discovered this winter and appreciated it because even though it was freezing and raining outside, it was still like swimming outside with the lovely glass ceiling.

As you can see, this pool is super popular. Lines like crazy:

Piscine Joséphine Baker
Port de la Gare, quai François Mauriac (13e) - Métro : Quai de la Gare
Our next two candidates require more work to get to. I'm afraid that is what it takes to get good outdoor swimming space in Paris. The Centre Aquatique in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the ever famous, swanky, bourgeois frenchie-french residential neighborhood of Paris, lives up to its setting. The outdoor basin (which, to be honest, is disappointingly small) promises lounging chairs, which are quickly filled by residents of Neuilly who have little else to do with their time than to perfect their tan. The pool itself is surrounded by the architecture of Neuilly and you do end up feeling posh even if you don't have a lick of it in you (me). The indoor basins are quite good with 25-meter lap pools and great basins for kids. I road a vélib' out here (because there are still stations) but it was a longer ride than I had anticipated.

Centre Aquatique Neuilly-sur-Seine
27/31 boulevard d'Inkermann 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
The winner, the best and the last is the grand sports complex close to Neuilly, but still a bit further yet, on the Ile de Puteaux: Le Palais des Sports. (Merci Amaury!) This is a real outdoor swimming complex: 50-meter lane pools and two other pool basins for playing in, as well as a separate space for toddlers and kids. With plenty of lounging room, you actually end up feeling like you might not be in a city anymore (although the pool does get crowded). This one wins hands down. If you swim laps, you know the difference between a 25-meter and 50-meter pool. Plus, all the exterior pools are sizable. From the city, you can take bus 93 or a vélib' - there is a station across the bridge in Puteaux, but it is also quite a ride. (Plus, remember Bagatelle? It is literally just across the road/bridge from this pool...)

Le Palais des sports
allée Georges Hassoux 92800
And here is my lovely companion, Emma. She brought along tiny pears from Sicily. A better treat? It doesn't exist.

My little Paul just asked if we could go to Paris and swim in one of these pools. I'm tempted.
So glad you found some pools. I remember you mentioning that you were in the market. Looks very fun!
Emilie, these all look much, much better than the pool of sweat I've been simmering in for the past few days! Your next mission, should you choose to accept: outdoor piscine à Toulouse! :)
oh emily - please do! that would be delightful.
toulouse, here i come...
Emilie, I feel your joy with outdoor city pools. I have hit a goldmine with Lasker Pool here in NYC but plan to visit the pool in Astoria this summer, it's the largest in the city...
Em I am so glad you found a pool to stay cool!
Love you and I am so excited to see you soon.
love you
Sorry the computer spells my name wrong for some reason, Melanie
Em, glad you are staying cool. I still prefer lakes to pools!!! Any of those in Paris?
that is my next mission, mother...
well I have two things to tell, one this is the best solution in a hot day, nothing like a good cold drink and a pool, and the second is that you see really hot with that bikini, sorry I have to say it.
Emilie, you are my aquatic hero ! Thx for finding the pool at Île de Puteaux, am definitely going there !
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