Out the door...

...and off to win. Oh, baby.
(I must say that no one actually played any slots - and we should not have let Colette touch anything to pose for the above photo. We left Las Vegas with a distinctly bleak feeling - what a depressing place. We were delighted to get to the airport...that says how much we actually wanted to be there.)
i went to vegas once for the weekend, and left (running and depressed) after 24 hours.
I agree with you Emilie, we felt the same way when we went to Vegas.
Love these baby vignettes!
Quoi ? Comment ? Quelle horreur ! Emmener une aussi petite fille découvrir l'aspect des plus malsains de la société moderne... J'en frémis. Et moi qui pensais que vous songiez à une éducation de jeune fille de bonne famille... Tss, tss !!! Je n'aurais jamais cru cela possible. Bon, il va falloir que je vous donne quelques indications parentales... (je me moque, of course)
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