But why?? We told Colette she could choose anywhere for her first safari. She chose Vegas. What can we say?

She was obsessed with the alleged bed size (hotdog, was she impressed), by the glitz, the glamour, the nightlife. We keep telling her she is only a month and a half, but she won't listen. We keep telling her not to waste her allowance here - that the house always wins, but she keeps running to the slots.

Thinking deep thoughts with Trump's golden tower rising in the background.

We are really only in Vegas because Xavier has a work conference and yes, it is definitely still the worst city on earth. Colette and I love the pool and the sunshine, however (and Colette really does love the view from our 56th floor room - thanks, Donald and Steve). I am embarrassed it is Colette's first destination.
What gets spit up in Vegas...
Don't be dazzled by the glitz and glamour Colette. Las Vegas is not what it seems.
Las Vegas: Half Disneyland, half nightmare....great views!!!
Stunning photos... Utah looks like an amazing place to camp and wander.
Did your Dad tell you about me at the dental office? I have told a story to children when I get them numb for more than 30 years.
I don't even remember how I got started telling it but it would make a wonderful story book to have in the waiting room of offices. Most children don't even know they are getting an injection. Recently I have added a small hand made fairy wand that I give to them afterward, usually for their 1st injection.
Too busy or not interested in the project I totally understand... thanks, connie
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