Xavier's lullabies are somewhat untraditional, bordering on renegade. He is featured above using a kazoo. The amazing thing about each of his techniques is that they seem to work...babies actually like loud music and movement for sleeping. OK - I will admit - the below Thriller moves could be called into question. Still, all of our ideas about tiptoeing around have gone out the window (our pediatrician confirmed that the womb was a very noisy place indeed, so beats like these sound like home to Colette). Michael Jackson is only one variation, if you can imagine the rest.
This is the best thing I've seen all week!
This is fantastic! Xavier is so natural with those Michael Jackson moves...and parenting. He has a nice hair cut too.
We used to turn on the vacuum when we needed Jeffrey to calm down. As soon as it was started up, he would fall asleep. Worked like a charm.
too funny. its like she is doing jazz hands the whole time
That is fab! Just discovered your blog via "15 best expat blogs" and this is the first post I happened upon. So very cute and so true!! I have hush-a-byed 3 babes to rock and roll! Thanks for the flashback made me smile big. Love your photography. Inspiring!!
from: Tanya. (california native-married a brit-currently living in south east asia-raising 3 transatlantic kiddos. photography mad too)
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