A New York City miracle. Reaffirmed my belief that people/places/things (nouns) are inherently good. I arrived at work, stuck my hand in my bag to retrieve my wallet to get through the security turnstiles and kept reaching - feeling all around. Nothing. Searched further, even started emptying things. No wallet. On another day I might have believed I had just left it at home. This morning though, I had had to buy a new metro card just before I got on the train. It could only mean that in between the D train and Park Avenue, it went somewhere.
I thought it had been stolen. It was there and then it was gone.
Even though I walked into a storm of things that needed to get done on the spot, I first wanted to call my bank to let them know I wasn't spending anything on those cards. I was on hold for at least 20 minutes and just when someone was about to finally take my call, someone on another line insisted that I speak to them about my wallet. Of course I picked up and breathlessly asked what it was. My wallet had been found by a person who works at the New York Times and she had called the building where I work because the address was in my wallet.
It turns out the person who found my wallet is not just some random worker at the New York Times, but one of the people involved in writing the little article written about our house last January. She recognized me from my picture on my id cards! What on earth are the chances? New York is a very very small place indeed.
Amazing story!
As you say -- what are the odds. Someone was definitely looking out for you today!
Love NY...things like that happen there all the time. I saw a cute print today....it said, "I don't need friends...I have NY!"
wonderful story!
This happened to me too! I lost my work ID with my monthly metro card (brand new, of course!) on the subway. the person who found it happened to know someone I worked with!!!! It is a very small world, in a very big city.
That seriously gave me chills! Good for you! That article is how I came across your blog and turned out we live in the same neighborhood. Yes, NYC is small!
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What a wonderful story. Aren't you lucky?? There are some very nice people out there :o)
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