I came home and found someone working very hard to make her dad look as pretty as possible.

The end result was really quite stunning.

Marguerite took the time to write down the instructions so that I could reproduce the look when she returns to Paris and won't be around to guide me. She wants to see photographic proof of the results.

LOLOLOL!! Oh, gosh, with three daughters we've been there and done that. Good for Xavier : ) With that gorgeous handwriting, I think Marguerite could well be headed for a career as a doctor ; )
It's a good thing you've got the photo to guide you. Otherwise -- good luck!
Ouh la la ! Une séance de coiffure par Marguerite, qui l'aurait cru. Et en outre, elle laisse ses consignes pour la reproduire. Mais voyons Émilie, tu vas devoir apprendre une langue morte type hiéroglyphes pour décrypter ces lignes qui, pour moi, sont indéchiffrables. Bon courage !
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