Petite soirée chez Stephen last night. Stephen just recently moved into a new apartment in the West Village (lucky boy) and given his line of work and his brain material, festooning this place is a royal activity - it looks sublime already, every detail pondered.

John looks perfect in the apartment. A compliment to both.

Stephen is the kind of guy who takes his decorating so seriously that he will live for a very specific (rather long depending on your slant) period of time with paint swatches all over the place - each painted in several locations to shed light on the color's various renditions. He lives with the squares in different lights and moods and cloud conditions and will one day choose one of these hovering colors to cloak the walls of each room. (His biggest piece of advise for me when we moved into our house: "Don't make any decisions too quickly, just live in it and see how it feels." Like - don't do anything drastic! Too bad Xavier and I are about as impetuous as people come...).

But Stephen has a whole crowd of people who also use a decision-making tree when decorating or, rather, show other people how to use them and decorate for a living. Chris, for example, here explains the different emotional states one might experience if choosing the top color versus the lower two, or the one over there on that wall.

So many sample cans.

Congrats on the new apartment Stephen! I'm sure it will end up a master piece. I like all the colors and I'm sure which ever Stephen chooses will be perfect in there.
I'm planning on doing some painting in the Fall. I better get so swatches going now.
Thanks for sharing this overview of Stephen's place. It looks like a great place with a distinctive "Stephen" touch. Excited to see it in person. I especially liked the photo of the Matterhorn.
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