On the scooter, it used to be this and this. Now it is just as much fun, the same swerving, get-around-anything, turn-around-anywhere, ride-on-sidewalks approach, but the city has changed. And the scooter. One thing, however, decidedly has not: Xavier. Two examples of why riding on the back of a scooter while Xavier is driving is highly amusing and worth the peril.
1. Setting: Park Avenue near the Seagrams building at approximately 8:43am. Yellow vehicles in motion all about, flanking sides, front and rear. Action: Weaves in and out of all vehicles to get to the front of the starting line. Light turns green and he streaks ahead, beating every car to the next light where people are still crossing (despite the red palm: stop). Xavier: "RUN! RUN! RUN!" his screaming voice and engine both reinforce his threat to run them over. They believe him. They run. Xavier laughs maniacally and somehow, it reverberates all down Park Avenue.
2. Setting: Any New York corner, almost any hour will do. The random person/group overflows into the street trying to catch a cab. Arm is up, extended. Hand is out. Action: Xavier slows down with the traffic and swerves over to the side to take the opportunity. High fives the cab seeker as he drives past. Literally slaps their hand and sometimes adds enthusiastically, "High Five!"

Hahahaha! That's awesome :D
The high-fiving is amazing.
I so wish I was hailing a cab in NYC at the same time that Xavier drives by on his scooter. That would make my day. Love it.
It is the shoes! I love those red shoes . . .
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