I have no interest in being a political blogger (obviously). As you can see, the things I delve into are far loftier...my neighbor Josephine, dogs, plants, rust and the like. However, I do have just one thing to say and I want to say it because, after all, I have a master's degree in Women's Studies from Oxford (a fractious issue in my family) and having such a degree allows me to detect certain things, certain very obvious things.

It is sexist
not to ask Sarah Palin difficult questions and expect her to respond in a coherent, articulate and well-informed manner. Whatever your political interests are, this is an embarrassment. I can only hope that she has been force-fed a whole slew of political know-how at John McCain's Arizona Ranch this week before tonight's debate. (And, hopefully, a few specific examples too).
I've been tempted to do a bit of political commentary on my blog as well about this one. It's horrifying what's going on here. Here's a good article about it:
Emilie, I couldn't have said it better. This women is an embarassment! Just like when George Bush speaks, I just can't make myself listen. It's too uncomfortable. Although, she might be worse than Georgie. Imagine her as president. SCARY!
Have you seen the SNL skits? I saw those before I heard the Katie Couric interview and I couldn't believe that the skit was actually a quote from the interview. Wow.
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