December 14, 2016


I stole away to Amsterdam this past weekend to meet a good friend from when we lived in Paris. The streets and interlocking canals, the architecture, the light, the cosy views into the winter windows (because, there, it is definitely winter). We were both also so charmed by the people - beautiful people with such smiles and open expressions, ready for a conversation or a welcoming gesture. I felt a lot of respect for the culture: from the friendly disposition, to the proliferation of bicycles, to the continual accommodation of kids in public spaces. I hadn't really been anyplace like it. What a town. If you go - one restaurant recommendation: Wink (Govert Flinckstraat 326HS).

Bicycles omnipresent. Whole streets just for bikes. More bikes than cars. Kids on bikes, parents with two kids on one bike, old people on bikes - a whole city pedaling on two wheels. Maybe the most compelling part of the town for me.

A place for kids everywhere

And bicycle parking.

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