This mirthful little 2-year old soul. Colette is killing us these days. Her classic line when we are transitioning from one thing to the next - time to go at the park, bedtime or nap time, bath time - is "2 minutes." Xavier really captured the moment/her expression above. Sometimes Xavier will point out that she has already said 2 minutes five times, then she will pause and renegotiate: "5 minutes," with any number of fingers displayed.
She does not like being kissed - when I sneak one in, she generally scrubs the kissed area for any remnants and sometimes adds, "Ew, iscusting!"
She is making strides in language - mixing English and French. As she walks out of a room, she will turn to the person she is leaving and say, "Have a great day. A toute à l'heure." In her food orders: "I want l'eau aussi!" "I want a jambon". One of my favorites is her formation of the negative in English: "I did it not."
Potty training is going well. Self-directed, like most things for Colette. After sitting on the potty and producing a #2 (fitting for this post) - her first #2 ever - she examined the result. She looked completely astonished and said, "Dog poop! I did a dog poop! I did it!"
Colette is a self-soother in a very literal way. When being put to sleep, we will hear her in the monitor: "It's ok Colette, don't worry Colette. Don't cry Colette." And on a recent road trip: "Seat belt on Colette," "Almost there Colette." And you should hear her phone conversations...

My ez-husband's father used to take movies of the family, and on one of the earliest, their mother kissed the kids. my ex-husband, then age 3 or so, wiped the kiss off. don't know if he said anything (no sound on those movies), but his mother took it in stride. wonderful post!
She is truly priceless and will one day be grateful you captured these moments. Thanks for sharing.
This made me laugh so hard. Wow Colette - you've really got a lot of pizzaz. I'm going to start using the 2 minute line in my life.
That self soothing stuff is about the most entertaining thing I've ever heard. It's quite healthy too. We should all learn to talk to ourselves like that. Love that girl!
I laughed so hard! She is such a character and I love that little face of hers and all those expressions. Tell her Vous avez autre tante dans la Californie. Love you and Xavier and Marguerite and Colette and Romy so so so much. Your blog is a must read.
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