New England Demolition and Salvage in New Bedford, MA is an eye-popping, mammoth, crazy, old warehouse of etcetera etcetera - lined up and strewn about. Hundreds of clawfoot tubs (and lots of spare feet), sinks, radiators, doors, windows, hardware, columns. Colette was impressed and immediately wanted to take off her shirt to honor the many lives of all of these dormant tubs.

New England Demolition & Salvage
73 Cove St. New Bedford, MA 02744
I absolutely LOVE this sensory box!!! I am going to make one as similar to this as possible. I just know that my boys are going to love it! Thank you for posting your awesome sensory boxes. I get some great ideas from you!
Amazing post. Have never seen so much used and old bathtubs in one place. Like a cemetery of bathroom accessories.
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