Magical moment. To walk into Marguerite's room to find Peau d'Âne sitting there, ho-humming away. And then we have little Cotelette (as we like to refer to her = cutlet, lamb chop in French) just wasting away the days, lying about, waving her fists - all 10 pounds of her (80th percentile in weight - she gained 3 pounds her first month. Her French father is concerned. Her American mother is bragging).

Attagirls! Cotellette also has some enviable hair.
Life with children is full of special moments like these.
Way to grow Colette! Healthy girl!
Those are some cute girls!!!
that baby is VERY busy learning and thinking...look at those eyes!!
Emilie, I love your blog and your photographs are stunning, but mostly those of your little bundle of joy. Seeing her pictures takes me back to the early days of my Lily who also had (has) an incredible amount of hair! My daughter is now 10 and I cherish every moment with her. Congratulations to you!
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