Concise French lesson: In French cop television series (highly amusing, Xavier loves them) the cops
vouvoient (use the "
vous") with citizens until they have committed some sort of "
connerie" (wrongdoing), then they start yelling after the person, chasing them in the street using the "
tu" - "
arrete-toi !" They no longer have the right to be vouvoyed. This amuses me thoroughly.
I have noticed this too, in other circumstances and I always get a kick out of knowing the difference.
Ah, yes, and then there's what actually happens on the street. If you're white & seemingly respectable, a police officer will always address you with "vous". If you're young, black/arab and not wearing a suit, it's an immediate "tu". Conversely, when pulled over on the road for police checks as a white European in the Magreb, the officers begin falling over themselves with politeness, offering directions, or any other help they can. This always makes me sad when I think of the difference.
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