Cocorico Paris! (that's French for cock-a-doodle). I'm back again.

Out the door (I wish this were my real door)...

To the market...(and, yes, I wish I knew what to do with this particular form of mushroom - les morilles fraiches because they made my top-10-things-I'd-like-to-buy-based-on-the-look-of-you list).

So did these peonies. Incontestably.

Glad to be back, and under such very favorable Spring conditions.

I love that door and those plump peonies! As for those Morilles... if you dried them out you could probably exfoliate with them? Just a suggestion...
This is a grand idea and I'll surely try it!
About those Morilles -- simply cook with them. You are in France -- are you not! They should be absolutely amazing with butter, lemon, cream -- you name it. What's not to like! I found a handful of delicious sounding recipes with the first Google search.
We covet morels here in WI, and they should be rearing their bumpy heads right! I found a lone morel on Mother's Day last year and we sliced it into scrambled eggs along with some prociutto--yum! We also love to flour, salt & pepper them & lightly fry in butter. They're magical to find in the woods.
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