My world is about the be disassembled. The books on our shelves are coming down one by one, the red ones, the black ones, the green ones. My red, white, pink, yellow and orange ranunculus perched on the stool will die an early death. Sunglasses, socks, shelves, chairs, pictures, clocks, vases, spoons, our bed. Everything will be taken tomorrow through our windows on a crane, down the 5 stories of the building, onto the street, into a truck, to a port where a big container awaits, across the ocean to the port in New York, onto another truck, to our apartment on 73rd Street in Manhattan (4-6 weeks later).

I am sad. I am sad because I really love France. It was not always so (you know if you've read me for a while now). There were days where I just wanted to be somewhere else. Those days make leaving even harder now.
Redemption for me lies in the fact that this is only round one. France is to be a permanent fixture in my life - which is a very lucky and lovely and difficult thing all at the same time.
I feel like this round in France was my brainstorming session. I mean, before I came to Paris I never took photos. Today, it is my favorite thing to do (this site is my witness).
Before I came to Paris, I thought blogs were inane, narcissistic distractions. (The narcissistic bit may hold true...and the distraction bit too, but cancel the first thing). Here I am with this site where people from 65 different countries and 1,000 people per week come to have a look. Even if I have not succeeded in inciting an ongoing conversation (apart from the post about my Afghan friends), I am connected to people who read this.
Most of all, my brainstorming session has resulted in me looking at the world in a different way. I swear, Paris has changed me in my regard for the things around me - in what I remark, respect, scan, scrutinize, see, spy, stare at, take into consideration - I am a girl with a new pair of eyeballs.
Now, let's see how New York looks with these babies.
I'm so glad you're coming back.
This post makes me sad and happy at the same time. I will miss your regular posts about France (although I'm sure there will be more in the future), but I'm very excited to read your posts about New York. I'm sure New York will become a whole new place through your eyes. I can't wait!!!
I'm also very excited that you will be closer and with Stephen so I can visit you both at the same time.
And it is really cold here in NJ...
I have loved seeing Paris through your eyes and even more through your heart. We are even more excited that you are coming to Washington on your way to New York!
I have so enjoyed your Paris posts and look forward to following your adventures in New York. All the best.
Hi Emilie
I'm a stay-at-home Mum to 2 little girls and live in Australia.
I stumbled across your blog while researching my husband's resent trip to Paris.
Love reading your posts as you give me a little glimpse of life in France.
Sad to read you are moving back to America but I'm sure your posts will continue to entertain.
Safe travels Emilie. New York will be a great place for your photography and blogging, although I'll miss your unique point of view about Paris.
I am so sad that you are leaving Paris. :( Looking at your blog is one of my daily routines...Paris through your eyes is so fun, exciting and interesting. If your adventures in Paris are this fun they are going to be just as fun in New York...looking forward to your amazing writing and cool stories in the US.
You colour-code your books???
(looks like it from the picture) Bonne Voyage!
color code indeed badaude...a johnson tradition.
thanks everyone for the good lucks...i do hope my adventures will continue in the big apple, (gulp)...
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