Mud concoctions. Mud mountains. Mud people.

Mud Marc.



Two crazy, adorable little boys. Most recent twin tale: Their father punished Jonathan (left) and sent him to his room. A little later he told Jeffrey (right) that he needed to go to bed. Jeffrey: "I'm not going in there with that crying man." (To Jonathan and Jeffrey, all males above 2-years old are men). Jonathan also recently found a tampon in Jill's purse, pulled it out and inquired, "How do you put this thing up your butt, Mom?" They are piles of laughter.

Big and little people jet-skiing. As one lovely person put it while we were swimming, these machines are like Harleys on water (maybe not that cool, but as noisy, etc.).

And it wouldn't be Bear Lake without raspberry shakes.

Okay so I am sometimes jealous you live in Paris, but I am way more jealous that you had raspberry shakes at Bear Lake. Those are tasty. On another note, it may be time for Xavier to purchase a non-euro style swimsuit...just saying :) That's a lot of man-thigh...
I love this post. Now thousands of people know the Tampon story!
This was a great day. So glad we came up. Love you guys and will miss you now even more than before.
thanks for sharing, it was so much fun, love you!
Thanks Jill and Mike for this lovely day at the lake and for giving me the opportunity to wear my Euro style boxers...those felt good.
tom...you've got something there...although those european thighs are really something...
and it is true...jill and mike - thank you!
Can't take my eyes off them...
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