MARC is here! Arrived from Tibetan settlements in India...escaped from naughty monkeys who stole some of his clothing. Joyous Joy. Marc says these monkeys liked throwing poo at people. Nothing could be more delightful to think about. Unless you can think of something.
While peacefully reading, one of these monkeys charged Marc and then he charged the monkey back and then five retaliated. He also said that while walking through the forest, you would see monkeys trailing monks robes behind them, which they had stolen, presumably off laundry lines. Another thing that borders obsession in my brain now.
i too love the ideas of these monkeys with their thieving ways and poo-flinging tendencies.
It doesn't surprise me one tiny bit that you are obsessed with these monkeys and their shinanigans. I too like the idea of them running off with monk's robes! I looks luck Marc was lucky to escape his attackers!
Say hello to Marc for us. We miss him very much and can't wait to see him when he gets back to Utah. Although, I will miss his posts from India.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I've said it once and I'll say it again - monkeys are scary and mean. A baboon will eat a small child without thinking twice and even if you do things (like throw rocks in their general direction) to discourage advancement, they will come at you with a creepy gleam in their eyes. They look cute and cuddly but within minutes they will turn on you. Watch out.
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