It was rush hour traffic and a cab who was picking up some people in front of the hotel merged into the lane where I was riding, and right into me on my bike. I flew off and landed heavily on my right knee and when I made contact with the street I felt my leg twist underneath my knee and rotate all the way around until I was lying on my back. My knee contorted in ways I didn't think possible.
I shouted to the people who came rushing around me not to touch my leg, as they wanted to move me off the street. They stood in a circle to form a protective barrier against the cars that were flowing fast down Seventh Avenue in the lane I had fallen. I was terrified of being hit again before they did this. I stayed there on the ground until police and an ambulance arrived. A nice gentleman put a briefcase under my head and someone else covered me with his coat. Another lady held my hand and told me it would be OK.
I refused the ambulance. I couldn't feel pain at some point. After a long time on the ground, I stood up and after they took my vital signs, I walked away with my bike. With so much adrenaline pumping through me I thought I was fine - just really scared. At some point I stopped to examine my bicycle. As I stood there I felt my right leg buckle and my knee move horizontally/violently toward the right. It made me feel ill - it was such a strange and uncomfortable feeling. People along the way stopped me to ask if I was OK and if they could help me. I must have looked ghastly.
I began to feel a tremendous amount of pain when I sat down in the chair in my office and elevated my knee, which began to swell significantly. I also started sobbing as the full shock of what had happened wore off somewhat. By the time my coworkers and I had determined a plan I could hardly get up. I went downstairs with my boss to go to a hospital.
The MRI results confirmed the there had been a full tear of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) - that it had snapped in half and there were also tears in two other ligaments in the knee. These injuries will require surgery and months of rehabilitation. So unfortunate.
The whole thing made me feel really mad at New York City. It felt like such a cruel and unrelenting place. I know it isn't the city's fault, but while I was sprawled flat on Seventh Avenue, staring up at high rise buildings and faces circling around me, I wondered why I live in a place where riding a bike to work is such a hazardous proceeding. Now I am less mad at the city and more mad at the driver, but still.
I am mostly grateful for the rest of my body, for my girls, for family, friends, wonderful humans who surround me. I came home, asked for little Romy and kissed her rolls of fat and said hallelujah - sang a song of praise, because I know these accidents don't always end in the ability to walk away (even with a wrecked knee).

OH Emilie - I am so very sorry this awful thing happened to you. I hope you healing and recovery goes smoothly.
I just deleted my diatribe against careless cab drivers and am rewriting my comment to say: thank goodness you're okay. May you heal (in all ways) quickly and be back on your feet very soon! <333
I don't know you personally, Emilie, but I've been a faithful follower of your blog for a few years and have very much enjoyed your writing and photography. As a fellow torn ACL'er (and survivor of 4 knee surgeries over the years), I'm sending you my sympathy and encouragement. I know there's a lot to be angry and frustrated about right at this moment (plus torn ligaments hurt like hell), but you're young and in such good shape to begin with, I'm sure your healing will progress quickly. Also glad to hear how soon you received a diagnosis - and in NYC, there will be access to excellent surgeons. You'll be mobile (though maybe not bike riding! : )) sooner than you think.
Kind wishes and good thoughts from a Canadian reader.
Hi Emile,
Another silent admirer here of your blog to say that I am really sorry this happened and that I hope you have a very speedy and full-range-of-motion recovery! One of the things I so admire (and try to emulate) from seeing you and your family is how adventurous and out in the world you are. The whole wide world. Chin up, heal, and let the wild rumpus continue...
I hope you got the taxi number and info, and a police report! Wishing you fast healing.
What a horrific event for you! The cruellest part of our human existence is the ability to be sorely afflicted by the poor and outright stupid decisions of others. I am glad you could walk away (sort of) and that the injury can be fixed. Knee stuff takes forever to heal but it is something that will heal. Love and prayers coming your way from Australia xox
Oh Emilie, I am so sorry! I am adding my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery. I ride my bike in the city too, and I am often frightened. I wish our city were more bike friendly/aware. Thank goodness for rolls of baby fat to ease you on your way...and I am sure her big sister will be a wonderful nurse...xoxox
Oh thank you all and bless you! Such love! My knee is soaking it in - healing fast...
I'm so sorry pretty lady, tanti baci from your italian fan.
As another blog follower, I just wanted to add my hope that you heal quickly and well. And thanks so much for your amazing blog.
Had a full rupture of my Achilles Tendon at the MTC last February (as well as another torn ligament and tendon). Surgery and recovery isn't fun, and you may need to be patient, but you are young and in great shape, so you will heal much faster than I did. Sending hugs and prayers to you!
dearest Emilie, just reading this after three weeks that you posted; shame on me. sending you virtual hugs and well wishes. what a mishap. how has the recovery progressed? also, a note to let you know that a package for Marguerite is coming separately from Barcelona, please hold it until Christmas since I have packages for Colette and Romy coming from California after Thanksgiving. Thinking of you all, always.
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