The past week was intense. In every second of spare time (except this one outing to the pumpkin patch), I was studying. Studying for an exam I never dreamed I would take - the FINRA Series 79 Investment Banking exam. I started working at Blackstone with hardly any knowledge of stocks, equities or income statements, let alone valuations in private equity. Alas, here I am about 4 years later with certified knowledge! The exam was 5 hours long - and at the end of the 5 hours I pressed "finish" on the exam screen and scrunched up my whole face (my whole body, really - sorry baby - although I do hope all of that studying was absorbed in my uterus as well) in apprehension. (Recommended study time for this exam is 100 hours - pretty sure with everything going on I did not reach that threshold). When I saw "Result: Passed" I laughed out loud (in a very quiet exam room). Such a relief. Last weekend, I told Xavier that I had a small window of time for one non-exam related thing: pumpkin-patching. And it was such a glorious fall day for the occasion. These girls are so so so sweet. Colette romping around shouting "punkin" - it doesn't get better.

And just as exciting as my exam result is the fact that Marguerite is in town. She showed up and Colette has just been beaming, laughing, overflowing exhilaration. We all have.

Love to see Marguerite with the camera! You're passing on your gifts in many ways!
Two cute little punkins in the pumpkin patch! Hugsxoxoxo
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