Newborn lalaland is full of the sweetest odors (stored in the soft folds of a neck or venting freely from the top of a tiny head), tiny sleep movements (which transfigure time to where it is no longer made of the same stuff), barnyard animal noises (as my sister Julie likes to call them), a little face whose expressions transform it from a little thing of a few days to a wise old sea turtle and back again in a flash...drifting in and out of my own sleep with only one little thing emerging at the point of consciousness - her. I feel like I've been drugged and I can't believe I lived without the stuff running through my veins up to now, even if it readily makes me cry and my breath stop short just to glance down at the thing in my arms.
The most wonderful things in the world are so so close. For you right now, especially.
nothing short of a miracle. thank you for sharing. it brings me right back to all my own magical newborn moments.
Beautiful words. Cherish every moment.
I AM SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU. A Spring baby. Enjoy every moment and take lots of pictures, they grow very fast.
Babies are amazing! Something so tiny that can be so life changing!
I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks!!!
Loved reading your beautiful words and seeing your beautiful baby. So glad she is here! Congrats.
Emilie, she really is so beautiful. She's a lucky girl to have you and Xavier as parents. I am so happy for you all.
So wonderful.
I never experienced baby lalaland quite the way I would have liked, only tiny glimpses of it. It's going to be fun to live vicariously through you and your perfectly chosen words, Em.
Emilie- she's lovely! Extended Searcy's celebrate and send congrats on a beautiful arrival.
i know:)
It really is a love affair of epic proportions, isn't it?
It's one thing to have a baby, and another to write about it like this. Congrats on both achievements!
Elle semble bien sage cette petite fille. ET elle dort apparemment comme un ange.J'adore ces moments où l'enfant, tout en confiance, se laisse aller à rêver (mais oui, elle rêve, comme tout le monde). C'est si paisible, si charmant.
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