Xavier, Vincent (Xavier's Dad), and I went to the France/Wales Rugby Game this weekend. It was fantastic.

Xavier's frenzy in the packed metro.

Le Stade de France

After the French team was announced and trotted out onto the field, I looked over at this guy and his eyes were filled with tears. It was touching.

Xavier, Vincent à fond.

And then these guys, in their florescence, lined the crowd and sat facing us with their elbows on their knees and their chin in their hands. Crowd control. I think if in their job interview they showed any enthusiasm for rugby, they were not given the job. In fact, they probably had to actually say that they hated the game. I kept tabs on them throughout the match and not once did they swivel their heads around to sneak a peak - not even when a try was scored and the whole stadium erupted. Impressive performance. I guess this sort of thing is necessary because people get trampled in Europe at these events.

FRANCE won! Bravo les Frenchies. Pas mal. We were happy together, this supporter and I. Final Score: 21 - 16.
La Marseillaise.
Emilie! I am reading your blog from the beginning. It's amazing. I love the way write. Beautiful! I'm still laughing about the bum cheek clenching. It's a classic.
Go France! that is a lot of people!
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