After we flew into New York, we headed to Provincetown - which is at the very end of Cape Cod. This was Stephen's doing - and it was magical. We stayed there with John Derian, who is dreamy - him, his house, his friends, all. See more about John. His house was something out of a magazine (literally, because it often is) and more importantly, we had so much fun with him and his two friends who were also staying there, Jack and Brian. Look.

John, Stephen, Jack, Emilie

John hiding

John's house - Stephen, Xavier

Brian and Jack

More of the house:

Yummy floor


I loved this birdcage thing

Me in


Thank you Brian


The public library has a real boat inside

I am so glad you had so much fun in New York,
I love and miss you all so much, sorry got to go to school-homework-remmeber those days? I love you all and good luck
love always
Okay, this place lookes ah-ma-zing. It seems fabulous in the winter so it must be over the top fabulous in summer. I must visit there!
John's house is so quaint and beautiful, full of interesting items. Emilie, you look very fetching in the candle light by a beautifully set table.
Love how Xavier is always in his Yankee cap.
What on earth are you doing in the ice chest?!
I love the pictures and wish we could be walking by the beach with you.
Is this the same JOhn who designs those cool trays and has the shop downtown? Famous! Love his stuff!
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